
The travel industry is in a period of tremendous change. Airlines, Car rental companies, hotels and cruise lines are faced with increased competition from global providers as well as new entrants with focused differentiation strategies. Heavier competition also means limits on the ability to raise prices to match cost increases.

Expinfo offers a unique combination of extensive travel industry experience and global business processing outsource (BPO) experience. We have the ability to drive down costs while improving customer service and satisfaction.

Among services that address the key challenges facing the different sectors within the travel space. Some of these are generic and bring value across the space; others are specific to particular sectors.

  • Customer channel optimization
  • Developing new channels
  • Improving information security
  • Fraud reduction
  • Customer strategy
  • Setting retail priorities
  • Customer proposition

Online Ticketing System

A web based application (ASP.Net, SQL Server) that allows users to create tickets online, sends email notification of tickets posted, allows users to post and review ticket status for tickets, generate various MIS on tickets. Some of the key features:

  • Create a Helpdesk request
  • Categorize requests based on application, priority, and category
  • Automatic email notification
  • Keeps communication history
  • Change/Release Management
  • Ability to Mass copy and update
  • Automatic Escalation based on SLA matrix
  • User defined security
  • Generate reports

Some of the benefits:

  • Capture entire support life cycle
  • Easy deployment
  • Easy ticket tracking and analysis
  • Quickly diagnose and resolve issues